is a free online shero shayari sharing website, where you can find huge collecetion of shero shayari, wish, Status, sms, Quotes, thoughts, Fun etc. with images or latest pictures.

Why Choose ?
In these days people are too much busy in there life, they don’t have much time to write shero Shayari or wish , That’s why we have find out unique collection of SHAYARI, GREETINGS, QUOTES, EVENT WISHES AND HOLIDAY WISHES content on our website thesheroshayari. feel free to share anywhere on social media like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, text messages, SMS or any other internet network.

What kind of shero Shayari available on ?
Here you can find a huge collection of every category like Hindi sher o Shayari, Whatsapp Status, Hindi text SMS, Birthday or other Best wishes, Quotes, event status, God wishes, Life inspiring quotes etc. We also have the latest new photos or images with wish in all categories ,You can download for free and make status or profile images. you can find it categories or subcategories according to the occasion and events.

How to copy, share and download images from
On website holds huge collection of sher o shayari, quotes, cards, wishes, Photo, event wallpaper, and best status in Hindi and English. To Copy the sher o shayari jys hold few seconds on the text, after few minute copy to clip will be appear then select the text rage and click on copy,
For image or photo Download simply right click on the images which one you want to download and choose “Save as” after it will automatically download in you computer or mobile.

If haven’t found anything as you want? Don’t worry! you can suggest us ( contact us ) we will add something new or latest for you only into our collection according to your choice and we will notify you via notifications or emails.

Our mission: is to make easy for you, Just you need to find the suitable wishes or shero shayari and share it any where as you want. Support us by sharing our website link so that we motivate our team to build more new things easier for you.

Our goal: is to help you with everything you need in these busy life realted to shero shayari, motivational Quotes, Life inspiring people thoughts.

Special Thanks :

All Pictures uploaded on are taken from google, unsplash, pexels, pixabay, ynotpics, picjumbo and pngimg . Watermark on the images just show that the pictures are collected from webistes nothing else. They are not originally captured by our team members.