100+ Sad Heart Touching Short Love Quotes For Her / Him In English

If someone posts love quotes on their wall or my status then, the pain can be brutal. You are happy for them, but inside yourself maybe you are alone and still feeling a broken heart.

Maybe tomorrow you will have a happy day and fall in love again, and you will be posting love quotes about him/her how happy both of you are, but for now just want to share along sad love quotes.

So scroll down and find the top emotional heart touching sad quotes for your love. share these quotes and show them how much you miss her / him.

Sad Love Quotes For Him / Her


Sad Heart Touching Short Love Quotes For Her / Him In English
 Sad Heart Touching Short Love Quotes For Her / Him

Will wait for you till the day
I can forget  πŸ˜’ you or till the day
you realize you cannot forget me     

If you have to 😣 convince someone you’re right for them,
then they aren’t right for you.

I love πŸ’˜ you so much that I am willing to
give up everything for your 🀐 happiness.
Sadly, that includes giving up on us.

If he makes you lose your family,  πŸ˜’ lose your friends,
lose your confidence, or lose your happiness, then you need to lose him.

Ever has it been πŸ’˜ that love πŸ’˜ knows not its
wn depth until the hour of separation.     

It hurts when ☹️ you’re being ignored by the person
whose attention is the only thing you want in the world.

Unconditional love πŸ’˜ that is lost  πŸ˜’
leaves behind a scar that burns forever.

Disappointment is a kind of blessing
as we only feel disappointed
when we have 🀐 expectations and
expectations only exist because
we have an opportunity to love πŸ’˜.

heart touching sad love quotes
heart touching sad love quotes


The reason why I don’t 🀐 talk to you anymore is
because I keep telling myself that if you wanted to speak ☹️ to me, you would.

Loving someone who love πŸ’˜s you back
is the best feeling in life.
Loving someone who doesn’t love πŸ’˜s you back
simply tells you that  πŸ˜’
it is time to forget about this feeling.

Love πŸ’˜ is a short period πŸ’˜ of time in our lives
which we will always remember
for the longest time.

Even spending 😨 a whole day with him
would not be enough
to satisfy my love πŸ’˜ for him.


Sad love quotes for him :

Love πŸ’˜ is short while life is long
That is the reason why
I love πŸ’˜ him more than life.

Love πŸ’˜ makes people forget
about the passing of time.
The passing of πŸ’˜ time makes
people forget about love πŸ’˜.

It is better to be alone, than being with  ☹️ someone who makes you feel alone.

sad love quotes for him with images
sad love quotes for him with images

It’s funny how we feel so  🀐 much but we cannot say a word.
We are screaming inside, but we can’t be heard.  

I wish I could give you πŸ’˜ my pain just for one moment. Not to hurt you,
but so that you could finally understand how much you hurt me.

I love πŸ’˜ her πŸ˜’ and that is why
I cannot wait to spend
the rest of my life with her.

He is the reason why
I will never truly love πŸ’˜
another πŸ˜” person again.

Loving you 😨 lets me know
what is the feeling of bliss. 😨

People cry, not because 😣 they’re weak
It’s because they’ve been strong for too long.

Being alone may ☹️ scare you,
but being in a bad relationship  πŸ˜” will damage you.

Loneliness is not inborn.
Loneliness only begins when  πŸ˜’ we fall in love πŸ’˜.

The best love πŸ’˜ songs tell the saddest love πŸ’˜ stories.

You learn to also love πŸ’˜ yourself
when you fall in love πŸ’˜ with someone else.


Heart touching sad love quotes :

It is sad not to love πŸ’˜,
but it is much sadder πŸ’˜ not to be able to love πŸ’˜.

Stop trying to forget him/her
if you can’t 🀐 seem to do so
because you don’t have to try
if you truly forget about someone.

Someone can πŸ˜” walk into your  😨 life and it is not until
after they walk out that you realize that they were πŸ˜” even there.

A lost love πŸ’˜ never 😣 belonged
to you in the first place.

Sometimes you have to get knocked ☹️ down lower
than you have ever been to stand up taller than ☹️ you ever were.

Love πŸ’˜ is like a broken 😣 vase.
It is better to let it remain broken 😣 than
get hurt trying to mend the pieces together.

Some people are going to leave,
but that’s not  πŸ˜’ the end of your story.
That’s the end of their part in your story.

Whenever we want something,
we have to πŸ˜” sacrifice other things.
That is probably why πŸ’˜ when we want love πŸ’˜,
we sacrifice our happiness.

We often find ourselves too late
to fall in love πŸ’˜ with the right person
but too early to fall in love πŸ’˜
with the wrong person.

Every girl has three guys  πŸ˜’ in her lifeThe one she love πŸ’˜s,
the one she hates and the one she can’t
live without and in the end they’re all the same guy.

When asked   πŸ˜’ if given a choice to go
anywhere around the world,
where will be my ideal location?
My reply was “Next to him.”

Because 😨 she was the only person
who can make me smile 😨
when I feel like the whole world
has abandoned me. 😨

He is the only πŸ’˜ person you think about
when you are on
the short 🀐 breaks in your daily life.

I found the other half of my heart πŸ’”
when I found her.

Do not hope  πŸ˜’ for the perfect partner
because a partner is only as perfect as
he/she can be in your  eyes.


Sad love quotes for her :

A short love πŸ’˜ experience
is another step towards the right love πŸ’˜.

Every new day lets me
learn something 😣 new about you
which me makes want to
love πŸ’˜ you more.

When you think your first falling in love πŸ’˜,
just then you realize your falling out of love πŸ’˜

It is impossible to prevent myself
from loving him/her because
my heart πŸ’” has already  πŸ˜’ made the decision.

Love πŸ’˜ is like waiting for the bus,
you never know how long it will  😨 take.

Love πŸ’˜ double the joy in being together
and triple the sadness in being apart.

I found true love πŸ’˜ when I fell in love πŸ’˜ with you

Love πŸ’˜ is not measured
by the breaths 😣 we take,
but by the moments
that take our breath away 😨

Love πŸ’˜ is when you go through
a whole day of crap πŸ’˜ only
to be brightened up instantly
by a smile from you

If you find me smiling to myself for no particular reason,
the reason is you


She is the only ☹️ one that can
add meaning to my life.

Loving you is the only thing
that can make me 🀐
stronger and weaker at the same time.

Whenever I am with you,
the whole world seems to blank out and
nobody and nothing else can spoil our happiness

Your presence adds the
shine  πŸ˜’ to the sun
beat to my heart πŸ’”
and the happiness πŸ˜” in my life

Whenever 😣 you say “I love πŸ’˜ you” to me
My reply to you will πŸ˜” always be “Forever”

I feel like  πŸ™„ the most fortunate person in the world
whenever I thought about
how love πŸ’˜ has brought  πŸ˜’ you to me

I knew I am in love πŸ’˜ when I met you
because my heart πŸ’” felt like
it knew you right from the beginning

Saying “I love πŸ’˜ you” is easy
because what I expressed in words
has already been expressed in my heart πŸ’”
a long long time ago

Loving you is the  πŸ˜’ best decision
I make my life Loving me back πŸ˜” will be the best decision
you make in our lives πŸ˜”